The SMART listserv is now available for subscription.
The listserv is moderated and all messages will go to the entire group. Please follow this instructions before you send a message.
- To subscribe to the listserv send a message to in the body of the message type:
- You may leave the list at any time by sending a "SIGNOFF SMARTINDICATORS-L" command to .
- Contributions sent to this list are automatically archived. You can get a list of the available archive files by sending an "INDEX SMARTINDICATORS-L" command to . You can then order these files with a "GET SMARTINDICATORS-L LOGxxxx" command, or using LISTSERV's database search facilities. Send an "INFO DATABASE" command for more information on the latter.
- This list is available in digest form. If you wish to receive the
digested version of the postings, just issue a SET SMARTINDICATORS-L DIGEST command.