Instruments and Tools - Nutrition
Survey Manual
Survey package.zip
This package contains most of the some computer files you may useful when conducting a survey evaluating 1) the nutritional status of children less than 5 years of age, 2) the nutritional status of women of reproductive age (15 49 years), 3) the recent rate and causes of mortality, 4) the reproductive health of women of reproductive age, 5) child and infant breastfeeding practices, 6) micronutrient status of children less than 5 years of age, and 7) mictronutrient status of women of reproductive age. These materials were used in carrying out a survey in Badghis Province in March 2002.
UNICEF-Afghanistan and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Survey Questionnaire for Children
Nutrition and mortality survey utilized in Sudan.
Anthropometric Indicators Measurement Guide
This guide provides information on the anthropometric impact indicators and the annual monitoring indicators for Maternal and Child Health/Child Survival (MCH/CS) and income related activities. The focus is on the collection and reporting of indicators to improve program management and document progress towards the achievement of results.
Assessment and Treatment of Malnutrition in Emergency Situations http://www.aah-usa.org/publications.html#malnut The objective of this manual is to introduce the reader to the information indispensable for implementing a nutritional program and treating cases of malnutrition. It is based on the most recent scientific publications, as well as Action Against Hunger's own field experience.
Anthropometric measurements and indices http://www.refugeecamp.org/learnmore/nutrition/weight-for-height.htm Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières
Mid-Upper Arm Circumference (MUAC) http://www.refugeecamp.org/learnmore/nutrition/muac.htm Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières
Adult: Assessment of Nutritional Status in Emergency-Effected Populations
http://acc.unsystem.org/scn/Publications/RNIS/adultrnissupplement.pdf Steve Collins, Arabella Duffield & Mark Myatt, ACC/Sub-Committee on Nutrition, United Nations, July 2000
This article describes simple techniques suitable for the assessment of the nutritional status of adults aged 20-60 years in emergency-affected populations. The BMI (Body Mass Index), MUAC (Mid-upper Arm Circumference), and clinical models are assessed for their usefulness in determining the prevalence of chronic undernutrition in adults at the population level, and also for screening severely undernourished adults for entrance to feeding clinics.
Adolescence: Assessment of Nutritional Status in Emergency-Effected Populations
http://acc.unsystem.org/scn/Publications/RNIS/adolescentrnissup.PDF Steve Collins, Arabella Duffield ACC/Sub-Committee on Nutrition, United Nations, July 2000
The World Health Organization (WHO) currently recommends using the BMI (Body Mass Index) of individual adolescents compared to a reference population made up of adolescents in the United States and using the 5th centile of this reference as the cut-off point to define undernutrition. These recommendations may not be appropriate; surveys using these recommendations have found unrealistically high levels of adolescent undernutrition.
National Micronutrient Survey
http://www.cpc.unc.edu/measure/techassist/tools_methods/inventory/tool17.html The instrument is used for collecting information to assess the existing situation regarding vitamin A deficiency (VAD) and iron deficiency anemia (IDA), as well as general energy-protein malnutrition (EPM) in children and their mothers or caretakers. The information collected is used as a basis for country nutritional/micronutrient policy and program development decision-making.
Assessing the Child's Nutritional Status http://www.basics.org/publications/pubs/nutrition/chap8-11.htm
Design and Implementation of Nutrition Surveys
Collecting Anthropometric Measures of Children
http://www.ifad.org/gender/tools/hfs/anthropometry/ant2_toc.htm Training Handbook includes resource materials on various training subjects: survey methodology; general procedures; anthropometric equipment; and how to weigh and measure children.
Rapid Assessment of Nutrition (RAN) Manual
http://www.nutrisurvey.de/ran/ran.pdf Nutrition assessment for relevant Projects/Programs in Developing Countries
Nutrition Baseline Software
http://www.nutrisurvey.de/index.html The program helps in preparing a suitable questionnaire, in entering the data and in evaluating the results. First of all, a new nutrition survey has to be prepared. You just have to push the 'Create New Survey' button and a new survey will be created. The features of the new survey will depend on the settings under 'Options'. In this sheet several other functions are available such as opening the survey in a database program or exporting the data to SPSS.
Fortification Rapid Assessment Tool & Guidelines
American Red Cross Emergency Food Programming Assessment Tool
http://www.foodaidmanagement.org/worddocs/foodsecurity/FoodProgrammingEmergencyChecklists201FINAL.doc February 2001
A trainers [i.e. trainer's] guide for baseline surveys and regular monitoring : using LQAS [lot quality assurance sampling] for assessing field programs in community health in developing countries
A participant's manual for baseline surveys and regular monitoring : using LQAS [lot quality assurance sampling] for assessing field programs in community health in developing countries
Mobile Computing in the Humanitarian Assistance Setting: An Introduction and Some First Steps
Rapid Knowledge, Practices and Coverage (KPC) Survey