Workshop Agenda

Tuesday, July 23

Wednesday, July 24

Thursday, July 25

Friday, July 26



Click on the speaker's name or picture to view the media.



Tuesday, July 23


Photo of Dick Wall

Dick Wall, Workshop Moderator/ Consultant, Food and Nutrition Technical Assistance (FANTA) Project /AED

Photo of Paula Lynch

Paula Lynch, Deputy Director, Policy and Resources, State/PRM

Photo of Anne Ralte

 Anne Ralte, Humanitarian Assistance Advisor, Bureau for Policy and Program Coordination, USAID 

Overview: Complex Emergencies - What and Why Do We Measure?

Photo of Dr. Frederick Burkle, Jr

Dr. Frederick Burkle, Jr., Deputy Assistant Administrator, Bureau for Global Health, USAID 

Overview: Nutritional Surveys in Emergencies

Photo of Micael Golden Dr. Michael Golden, Chair, Technical Advisory Group, SMART, Consultant, FANTA/AED

Overview: Interpreting Data in Context of Food Security

Photo of Dr. John Seaman

Dr. John Seaman, SCF/UK

Overview: Surveillance & Monitoring in Complex Emergencies

Photo of Dr. Maire Connolly

Dr. Maire Connolly, Program Leader, Communicable Diseases in Complex Emergencies Programme, WHO

Panel Discussion

photo of panel discussion Panel Discussion
  • Dr. Frederick Burkle, Jr., Deputy Assistant Administrator, Bureau for Global Health, USAID
  • Dr. Michael Golden, Chair, Technical Advisory Group, SMART, Consultant, FANTA/AED
  • Dr. John Seaman, SCF/UK
  • Dr. Maire Connolly, Program Leader, Communicable Diseases in Complex Emergencies Programme, WHO

Review of Surveys and Future Implications

Photo of Michael Golden

Dr. Michael Golden, Chair, Technical Advisory Group, SMART, Consultant, FANTA/AED

Review of Survey Methodology

Photo of Dr. Bradley Woodruff Dr. Bradley Woodruff, Medical Epidemiologist, CDC

Panel Discussion: Critique of Current Methodology (and How to Resolve Problems)

photo of panel discussion


Panel Discussion

Facilitator:  Dr. Bradley Woodruff, CDC  

Anne-Sophie Fournier (ACF)
Dr. Mark Myatt
Dr. Alessandro Colombo (WHO)
Dr. Paul Spiegel (CDC/UNHCR)



Wednesday, July 24


Summary of Day 1

photo of Caroline Tanner Caroline Tanner, Emergency Advisor, FANTA/AED

Methodology Case Study: Democratic Republic of Congo

photo of Dr. Les Roberts Dr. Les Roberts, Director of Health Policy, International Rescue Committee
Photo of Mark Myatt Q&A. Technical facilitator: 
Dr. Mark Myatt, Consultant, Epidemiologist & Senior Fellow, Institute of Ophthalmology  

Methodology Case Study: Ethiopia

Photo of Paul Spiegel

Dr. Paul Spiegel , Medical Epidemiologist, CDC/UNHCR

Photo of Courtland Robinson and Paul Spiegel

Q & A. Technical facilitator: 
Courtland Robinson, Research Associate, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health   

Methodology Case Study: Afghanistan

Photo of Dr. Bradley Woodruff

Dr. Bradley Woodruff, Medical Epidemiologist, CDC 

Photo of Fitsum Assefa

Q & A. Technical facilitator: 
Fitsum Assefa, Project Officer, Micronutrients, UNICEF   

PVO Perspective: Lessons Learned on Methodology from Sudan

Photo of Bernard Vicary

Bernard Vicary, Monitoring and Evaluation Officer, World Vision   

Photo of Anne-Sophie Fournier

Q & A. Technical facilitator: 
Anne-Sophie Fournier
, Technical Director, ACF  

Break Out Group Discussions on Survey Methodology  

Photo of Dr. Barbara McDonald

Nutritional status in Pregnant & Lactating Women 
Dr. Mary Lung'aho, Linkages/AED, Dr. Barbara McDonald, CIDA 

Nutritional status in Under 5, including infants 

Photo of Dr. Dolline Busolo

Nutritional status in Adults and elderly population 
Dr. Dolline Busolo, HelpAge International

Photo of Facilitator

Other information (besides health/nutrition) to be collected

Photo of Carol Puzone

Issues about Mortality Data 
Carol Puzone, American Red Cross

Panel Discussion: Standardized Methodology & Other Information to be collected 

  • Critical issues

  • Review of input/comments on Afghanistan model

  • Discussion

Photo of panel

 Panel Discussion

Facilitator: Dr. Michael Golden
Panel (TAG) members:

Dr. Bradley Woodruff
M. Connolly 
C. Prudhon 
Y. Grellety
F. Assefa  



Thursday, July 25

Summary of Day 2

Photo of Fitsum Assefa

 Fitsum Assefa

Standardized Methodology: Discussion, Recommendations

Photo of Dr. Michael Golden

Dr. Michael Golden, Chair, Technical Advisory Group, SMART, Consultant, FANTA/AED   

Food Security: Overview on Methodology and Best Practices

Photo of Dr. John Seaman

Dr. John Seaman, SCF/UK

Overcoming the Challenges of Interpreting Nutritional Status Data: Examples from Field Experience.

Photo of Anna Taylor

Anna Taylor, Nutrition Advisor, SCF/UK                       

Food Security: Experience and Lessons Learned from the Field

Photo of Rita Bhatia

Rita Bhatia, Senior Program Advisor, Strategy and Policy Division, WFP

Panel Discussion: Best Practices in using Food Security Indicators to interpret Health/Nutrition Data

Photo of Bruce Cogill

Dr. Bruce Cogill
, Director, FANTA/AED

Photo of Mugo Muita

Mugo Muita

Photo of Panel

Panel Discussion


Anna Taylor (SCF/UK)
John Seaman (SCF/UK)
Rita Bhatia (WFP)
Mugo Muita (CARE)

Panel Discussion: Information Management

Photo Dr. Nancy Mock

Dr. Nancy Mock, Director, CERTI Project, Tulane University, School of Public Health & Tropical Medicine 

Photo of Panel Panel Discussion

Jeff Henigson (UNICEF)
Rhonda Davis (OFDA)
Dennis King (HIU)

Break Out Group Discussions: 
Country Pilot Studies
Implementation of Breakouts
(Preliminary planning session by groups operational in countries. To be followed up after the workshop by country team/working group)

Photo of South Africa group

Southern Africa

Photo of Angola Group



Dr. Paulina Semedo (MOH)
MarjattaTolvanen (UNICEF)

Photo of Afghanistan group



Dr. Bradley Woodruff (CDC)
Rita Bhatia (WFP)
Fitsum Assefa (UNICEF)

Photo of Dem. Rep. Congo group

Democratic Republic of Congo


Anne-Sophie Fournier (ACF)

Plenary: Break Out Group reports

Photo of Technical Issues and Methodology

Technical Issues and Methodology

Photo of Donor Cooperation

Donor Cooperation

Photo of coordination


Open discussion

Photo of Dick Wall


Closing of Part One of the Workshop 

Photo of Anne Ralte

Anne Ralte


Policy Session, July 26, 2002: 

 "Promoting Policy and Program Priorities Based on Data"

Introduction & Summary of Technical Working Session, July 23 - 25

Photo of Dr. Debarati Guha-Sapir

Dr. Debarati Guha-Sapir, Director, Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Diseases (CRED), University of Louvain School of Public Health 

Complex Emergencies: Measuring Effectiveness Across A Multitude of Indicators

Photo of Dr. Frederick Burkle, Jr.

Dr. Frederick Burkle, Jr. Deputy Assistant Administrator, Bureau for Global Health, USAID

Critique: Data and Famine in the Horn of Africa over the Last Decade

Photo of Dr. Paul Spiegel

Dr. Paul Spiegel , Medical Epidemiologist, CDC

Overview: Nutrition Policy Issues in Complex Emergencies

Photo of Michael Golden

Dr. Michael Golden, Chair, Technical Advisory Group, SMART          

Overview: USG Response to Complex Humanitarian Crises and Lessons Learned

Photo of Eric Schwartz

Eric Schwartz, Senior Fellow, United States Institute of Peace

Panel Discussion: How do donors establish policy and funding priorities? What information is used, needed? What are data gaps and how to resolve them?

Photo of PAnel
Panel Discussion

John Simon, Deputy Assistant Administrator, Bureau for Policy and Program Coordination, USAID

Panel: Juanita Rilling, Team Leader, USAID, OFDA Planning Team
Jon Brause, Chief, USAID, Emergency Program Division, Office of Food for Peace
Paula Lynch, State/PRM, Deputy Director, Policy and Resources
Barbara McDonald, CIDA, Senior nutrition Advisor
Dianne Spearman, WFP, Chief, Strategy and Policy Division
Andrew Mayne, UNHCR, Chief, Population and Geographic Data Section, Operational Support

Next Steps: "Needs and Requirements"

Photo of Mara Russell

Mara Russell, Coordinator, Food Aid Management 

Paulina Semedo, Coordinator of National Nutrition Programme Ministry of Health, Angola

Plenary: Break Out Group report back and discussion

Headquarters level, information and system needs

Headquarters level, information and system needs

Local capacity building

Local capacity building

Field level, staff and operation needs

Field level, staff and operation needs

General information coordination and reporting

General information coordination and reporting

Proposal and reporting requirements

Proposal and reporting requirements

Overall Workshop Summary & Recommendations

Photo of Dick Wall


Dick Wall , Consultant, FANTA/AED  

Close of Workshop

Photo of Anne Ralte

Anne Ralte, Humanitarian Assistance Advisor, USAID/PPC

Photo of Michael Golden

Michael Golden, Chair, Technical Advisory Group, SMART, Consultant, FANTA/AED



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